Tuesday, December 22, 2009

new entry

da lme asenye ak xmnulis..bntk bnd ak nk cite.lately bnyk sgt bnd yg b'laku..ofis,mbe2,pribadi..sume de..b'cmpur gaul..

laz wik ak sorg2 jage aldwich..faikah cuti..penat tuhan je yg len cket pn xmo tlg..ase nk nges pn de.. tp ak tbhkn ati..da ni keje ak..nk wt cmne..

20 dec 2009
tarikh keramat yg akn ak ingt smpai ble..dsmping keghairahan m'hitung detik taon baru, ak d tmpa mslh yg plg besa.purse ak d curi..sdh bkn sbb duit ilang, tp sdh sbb dlm purse 2 ad satu2 nye gmbr arwh umi yg ak de..until now ak b'doa agr de org yg jmp purse ak den pulangkn alek..ak xkesah duit ilang tp gmbr 2 mmg ak syg sgt..dats da only pic i have..sedey..

Saturday, December 12, 2009

bajet bagos

cm shyial jek pangai sorg atmc ni..short wyr mane ntah..suke suki die je nk ckp org xwt die nmpk lak pe yg ak wt kt ofis 2..ish..ak mnx bnd sng pn nk bsg2..da 2 keje die, wt je r..die ingt ak suke dgr sore sumbang die 2..wt skit tlinga ak de r..mengong tol..sje je nk + dose ak..hampeh

Friday, December 4, 2009


da lame kot ak xupdate blog..bnyk bnd yg cite tp ak xde mase..heee..d smping skg ak gler lyn fb..bez gak men mntng tuh..awl2 tym pak we ak suh wt fb ak sesaje jual mhl tp skg ak lak t'lbh gler..alek keje lwt pn smpt ak on9 bkk fb tuh..

Friday, November 27, 2009

cerita kedai makan

odw alek ari 2 ak ngn spupu snggh mkn kt area k.krai..

tym 2 org rmai gler so ktorg decide nk mkn smple2 je sbb mls nk tgu lame..
k.yah(spupu ak) oder la sup cmpur 2 org mkn, telo dadar ngn ns putih..
tgu punya tgu, telo dadar je yg smpai..
sup ngn ns xsmpai2..
lps stgh jam, k.yah tny r dak yg keje kt kdai 2 mane mknn kami..
bdk 2 pn g r tmpt sup tny psl mknn 2..
alih2 die dtg kt meja ktor gtao sup da abis..
hangin 1 bdn r ktorg..
bpk lame tgu tp sekor pn xgtao sup 2 da abis..
ase nk t'balikkn je meja 2..
lps baya, ktorg blah cm2 je..
ak lupe nk snap gmbr kdai 2..
kalo x, leh ak msukkn kt cni..

Thursday, November 26, 2009

hepi eid-adha


xtrase pn ari ni raye..


odw alek smlm lme gler stuck dlm jem..

penat seyh..

tp berbaloi-baloi..

skg tgu ayh alek smyng jmaat..

sat g nk raye uma mek mace..


mlm kang r ni bru alek uma alek..

awl2 ag ak gtao ayh nk g kb mall sok..


sok gj msuk..

sopin ckett2..


ak nk ciap g raye lak..

Saturday, November 21, 2009


syukur sbb ak da lps qti..

cket baek cikgu2 kt hi-tech tlg ak..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

piC of k0nv0

zodiak sign

CAPRICORN The Go-Getter (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Pat ient and wise. Practical and rigid.. Ambitious. Tends to be Good-
looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often
pessimistic. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be Unfriendly
at times. Hold grudges. Like competition.. Get what they want.

AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality... Very independent. Inventive and
intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit
rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique. Attractive on the inside
and out. Eccentric personality.

PISCES - The Dreamer (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become
secretive and vague. Sensitive.. Don't like details. Dreamy and unrealistic.
Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser. Beautiful.

ARIES - The Daredevil (Mar 21 - April 19)
Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous... Confident and enthusiastic. Fun.
Loves a challenge. EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse.
(Easily angered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit Outgoing. Lose interest
quickly - easily bored. Egotistical. Courageous and assertive. Tends to be
physical and athletic.
TAURUS - The Enduring One (April 20 - May 20)
Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not. Hard
workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings that are stable
and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their
beauty. Pat ient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice.
Loving and kind. Loves hard - - passionate. Expresses themselves
emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined.. Indulges
themselves often. Very generous.

GEMINI - The Chatterbox (May 21 - June 20)
Smart and witty. Outgoing, very chatty. Lively, energetic. Adaptable but
needs to express them selves. Argumentative and outspoken.. Like change.
Versatile. Busy, sometimes nervous and tense. Gossips. May seem superficial
or inconsistent. Beautiful physically and mentally.

CANCER - The Protector (June 21 - July 22)
Moody, emotional. May be shy. Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome
Excellent partners for life. Protective. Inventive and imaginative.
Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person. Needs love from others. Easily hurt,
but sympathetic....

LEO - The Boss (July 23 - Aug 22)
Very organized. Need order in their lives - like being in control. Like
boundaries. Tend to take over everything. Bossy. Like to help Others. Social
and outgoing. Extroverted. Generous, warm-hearted. Sensitive. Creative
energy. Full of themselves. Loving. Doing the right thing is important to
Leos . Attractive..

VIRGO - The Perfectionist (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
Dominant In relationships. Conservative.. Always wants the last word..
Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager.
Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful.. Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Harsh.
Practical and very fussy... Often shy. Pessimistic..

LIBRA - The Harmonizer (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. Have own unique
appeal.. Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful,
generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. Give in too easily.
Procrastinators. Very gullible.

SCORPIO - The Intense One (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive.. Hardworking.
Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges.. Attractive.
Determined. Loves being in long Relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be
self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional..

SAGITTARIUS - The Happy-Go-Lucky One (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Good-natured optimist. Doesn't want to grow up ( Peter Pan Syndrome ).
Indulges self . Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social and outgoing..
Doesn't like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient.. Fun to be
around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious. Doesn't like rules.. Sometimes
hypocritical.. Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or even tight clothes.
Doesn't like being doubted. Beautiful inside and out.



DON'T TAKE PANADOL AND PANADOL ACTI FAST AND PANADOL SOLUBLE especially if you have gastric problems
FYI... One real story from a friend....

My husband was working in a hospital as an IT engineer, as the hospital is planning to set up a database of its patient. And he knows some of the doctors quite well.

The doctors used to tell him that whenever they have a headache, they are not willing to take PANADOL (PARACETMOL). In fact,they will turn to Chinese

Herbal Medicine or find other alternatives.

This is because Panadol is toxic to the body, and it harms the liver. According to the doctor, Panadol will reside in the body for at least 5 years. And according to the doctor, there used to be an incident where an air stewardess consumes a lot of panadol during her menstrual as she needs to stand all the time. She's now in her early 30's, and she needs to wash her kidney (DIALYSIS) every month.

As said by the doctor that whenever we have a headache, that's because it is due to the electron/Ion imbalance in the brain. As an alternative solution to cope with this matter, they

suggested that we buy 1 or 2 cans of isotonic drink ( eg.100PLUS), and mix it with drinking water according to a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 (simply, it means one cup 100plus, one cup water.or 2 cups water).

Me and my husband have tried this on several occasions, and it seems to work well.

Another method will be to submerge your feet in a basin of warm water so that it bring the blood pressure down from your throbbing head.

As Panadol is a pain killer, the more Panadol you take, the lesser would be your threshold for pain (your endurance level for pain).

We all will fall ill as we aged, for woman, we would need to go through childbirth. Imagine that we had spent our entire life popping quite a substantial amount of Panadol (Pain Killer) when you need to have a surgery or operation, you will need a much more amount of general anesthetic to numb your surgical pain than the average person who seldom or rarely takes Panadol . If you have a very high intake of Panadol throughout your life (Migraine, Menstrual cramps) it is very likely that normal general anesthetic will have no effects on you as your body is pumped

full with panadol and your body is so used to pain killer that you would need a much stronger pain killer, Morphine??

Value your life,
THINK b4 you easily pop that familiar pill into your mouth again. Please send this to people you care about.

Monday, November 16, 2009

harta benda ak b'+

hasil yg ak dpt lps kumpul ot bnyk2..


puas ati gak r..

yg bln2 sblm ni ak mls nk upload pic..
tenet da stat lmbb..

planning unit

dri ujung:abg lie,siva n k'yati-abg lie wt monitoring, siva jge maybank..k'yati 2 team ngn lia..jge ambank..

norliana rosli aka lia-baye ak tp tgi melangit..die jge ambank..suke cri gado ngn bile die xdtg keje, ak bosan lak..hahaha..

kakak-die sorg je yg pgl ak baby kt ofis.huhu..syg kakak sgt2..

de bnyk ag bnda yg ak nk cite tp gmbr akn d smbung len x ya..

Sunday, November 15, 2009


cket pn die xpjuk ak..
bia ak cm2 je..
ye la..
final die lbh pntng dri bnd len..
fail 6t ak gak yg slh..
skg die ckp nk snyp until die abs final..
ak xtao tym 2 ati ak stil leh time die ag x..
bia mase yg tn2kn..
bile da lme kne tgl cmni, pratus nk rjuk 2 alek da cket..
elok je ak blaja idop sensorg, xkn tym 2 die nk cri ak alek kot..
lyfe must go 0n..
mls nk b'gntung idop kt org len da..
last2 ak gak yg sket..
idop bujang alek bez gak..
njoy nk wt pape pn..

***whai hati
tabahlah kamo***

jiwa kCau

xtao nape ak ase lost gler..
hlg arh..
sume yg ak wt xkne..

Saturday, November 14, 2009

pg yg kelam


nape ntah leh jd cmni..
slh ak ke kalo die fail paper??
btol ke ak bnyk sshkn die..
ak hny tao mnx smpati je??
smlmn ak pk..
bgos gak ble gado truk sbb sume bnd yg die pk psl ak slme ni ak dpt tao..
even ati skt sgt..
tp ak trime..
learn 2 live w/thout him..
can i??


mlm ni tbe2 ase xde mo0d..

sume org kt ofis kne mrh..
nape ntah..
myb sbb 1 msg mo0d ak jd cm2.......
tp ptot ke ak slhkn die..
@pun 2 slh ak??
ak pn xta0..
myb slh ati ak yg lmbut sgt..

Thursday, November 12, 2009

annual leave


bosan lak bile amek cuti ni..
xtao nk wt pe....

pg td ak g interview..
company alexi..
prospek keje, manage event..
main company at london..
ad pluang nk g oversea 2..
kerja cm mnrik minat je tp org t'syng lak xbg..
suh stay sgc je..
cmne nih..
asek mkn ati r ak kalo stay gak.
wut suppose i do now??.


bawu smpai uma..
gle penat..
sejam lbh tgu beg kajang loading..
tp xpe,sok ak cti..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


rndu menguasai hati..

damly mish him..
nowdays die tgh bz ngn final..
g lib...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

lembu pnye susu, sapi dpt name..

elok je org len wt keje, tp org len lak dpt nme..

ni yg plg ak xpuas ati..
amboi2,sdp ckp bdk 2 sorg je yg wt keje..
ak yg png2 kple wt keje org xnmpk lak..
stkt wt monitoring je da kene chop rjin..
gle btol..
ni yg wt ak hangin 1 bdn..
skt ati wooo..
slh org len ag gak yg kene..
nape ntah..
skit ati ak xde org tao pn..
gle bnyk tol..
ikot ati nk je resign 24 jam..
nk sgt cri slh ak..

Monday, November 9, 2009

saujana utama

fuCk 2day...

cm sial je..
sbb slh org len ak yg kene..
ni yg ase nk mncrut lbh2 ni..
da lame asenye ak xm'crut...
skt ati ak..
org tua 2 lak asek nk slhkn ak je..
pdhl slh org len..
ptot ke ak yg xkeje ari ahd kene mrh..
buta agknye bdk 2..
elok je ak remark kt tripsheet, tp leh lak wt alsn xpasan..

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Saturday, September 5, 2009

today iz holiday

bosan lak bile xkeje ni..

xtao nk wt pe..
stat slase da kene jage bnk islam je..
xtao r cmne..
mieyrul ckp ak klm kbut..
die xphm kot cmne keadaan ak tym kt opis..

jujur, kdg2 ak xphm ngn keadaan skliling ak..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

im a bad2 gurl in da big2 world..

dont noe wuts make me being lyke dis..

moody xtntu psl..
otak da srabut..
ntah r..
kdg2 ak pn xphm..
im dying..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

tgU & menUggU

im tooo tired..

hate waitin sum1..

Sunday, July 26, 2009

new post from me

today myb wil b my worst day..
sume org nk gado ngn ak..
n i feel so tired bout dat..
sdh bile org yg ak syg ckp cm2..
cm sume yg ak wt slh..
pdhl die yg b'ia suh ak keraskn ati if gado ngn org 2..
but then ari ni die cm slhkn ak lak..
xphm pe slh ak..
jht sgt ke ak smpai die leh ckp ak cm2..

Monday, June 22, 2009

ad ak kesah!!!

penat keje + lak skt ati ngn pngai2 sglintir snior yg cibai wt ak ase lemah otk..
xfhm ngn pangai dorg..
muke je cantek, bek tp pangai tuhan je tao..
bpe x pesan kt ak kalo xtao tny, tp ble ak tny nk mrh2 lak..
myb dorg tym mule2 keje dlu da perfek..
da tao wt sume keje..
b'lgk xingt tp tym de pape mnx tlg ak gak...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

14 june

agk lame xm'update blog..

lately sebok ngn keje.
xde mood nk mnulis..
ari je leh rest...
so far keje skg ok..
gj pn msyuk..

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

laz 31 june 2009

sgt truja bile mieyrul ckp nk jmp ak..

agk lme da ktorg xjmpa..laz tym kiorg trun ktn ari 2..
papepn ak hepi sbb miyrul sudi dtg jauh2 smate2 nk jmpa ak..


agk lame ak xm'updatekn blog ni..

pnt ngn keje kdg2 wt ak xde mood nk mnlis..
msuk ari ni da 3 mnggu lbh ak keje..
so far so gud even kdg2 png kpale..
hope ak leh thn ngn sume dgaan..
aim tok tuka nset ngn beli kete akn t'cpai xlame lg..
dooakn ak b'jaye..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

i likeeee....

im started to love my new job..agagaga

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


gler ssh keje ak skg..ase cm nk mnth je tgk angka..da 2 ari msuk keje tp stil xleh catch up ngn angka 2 yg wt ak penin..da la dri dlu ak xsuke no..emm..nmpk gye, kene cri keje len ni..stay lame2 kt c2 leh wt ak penin..yg ak xsuke, kdg2 kene stay back smpai mlm..bhye2...jln t'bek, cari keje len..2 je..

Friday, May 15, 2009

akhirnya sempurna

syukur sgt2 sbb ak da leh stat keje next wik..hope life ak b'ubh psni..more joy n fun..

isnin - 18/05/2009 - ak kene lapor diri kt safeguards securicore..

sok g jln2 kt krnival kerjaya..

Saturday, May 9, 2009

terlanjur cinta

waktu bergulir lambat

merantai langkah perjalanan kita
berjuta cerita terukir dalam
menjadi sebuah dilema
mengertikah engkau
perasaanku tak terhapuskan

malam menangis
tetes embun membasahi mata hatiku
mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
cinta yang tlah rapuh

apa yang ku genggam
tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
dan tlah kuberikan seluruh hatiku
tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan cintaku

aku pun tak mengerti yang terjadi
apa salah dan kurang ku padamu
kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
karna sekali cinta, aku tetap cinta

mencoba bertahan di atas puing-puing
cinta yang tlah rapuh

apa yang ku genggam
tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

repeat reff

wesak day

da lme xupdate blog nih..huhu..da bosan agknye..ptg td g sunway..bnyk gler sale..seb dwit smpt la bli bju scarlet :)) bosn skg..ble ntah nk stat keje..xthn ak idop cmni..emm..

Monday, May 4, 2009


bru bes interview je far so gud..emm..hope dpt keje 2.. =))

keje gile

siyes ak ase cm org bodo smlm..mnusia 2 ckp je lbh...saket at ak..ase cm nk tmpr2 je..bnegong btol!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

my laz entri

sume da sttle..pektikel, pezen n so on..laz day at jngka..hope psni ak da xjejak cni da..bkn xsuke tp bnyk sgt kngan bruk..nighmare dlm idop ak..

mlm ni alek...hope sume slmt..will mish my cyg...

Friday, April 24, 2009

im back

bosan seyh dok cni..huhu..xde pape nk wt..dok uma leh gak mlngut dpn tv...emmm..lmbtnye pezen..da xsaba nk alek uma.. =(

Thursday, April 16, 2009

laz day fer pektikel

pg td ak mangon lmbt..kol7.30 bru sdr..huhu..xnk klm kbut lak b'siap..cmne ntah leh xsdr..pdhl da set alarm..ciap mmpi bez ag :))..laz day pektikel...mlm ni alek uma da..den dtg alek tok pezen je..emm..kol11 psni de jmuan p'pshn..en.mat suh ak b'ucap..nk ckp pe ntah..huhu..da la ak xsuke ckp dpn org rmai..nerves wei..psni xleh nk salu on9..kt uma xde tenet..nset ak dri dlu ak stting tok tenet free xdpt2..sdh2..will mish ol thing dat i doin while pektikel..after dis stat new life..myb keje, myb wt lesen tok child care..nk amek degree da ase mls..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

gile berani

skg de urine test kt ofis ak...smlm de siswa kantoi de ganja msuk dlm..gler tol..emm.budak2 zmn skg..hope org yg ak syg xt'lbt ngn mende2 cmni..bhye wei..

kisah 13april09

de sorg dak dpn blek ak ni..agk bz bodi..smlm die lpk blek ak..den tgh2 lpk 2 leh lak die cite psl antu..da tao ak tdo sorg2, nk gak cite mende 2..bpk bodo..mengong..even ak wt xtao pn die still cite gak..da 2 asek tny mnde sme je..png kpla ak..cian ak xleh tdo lena smlm sbb tkot..huhu..asek sdr sbb dak mengong 2 r..

Monday, April 13, 2009


cmne ntah die leh t'tuka punch card ak ngn puch card die..xpsl2 punch card ak merah..pdhl jauh kot tmpt ak ltk punch card ak dari punch card die..da 2 ngn muke xb'slh leh gtao ak smbil sengeh2 ag..bodo cm taik..pg2 lg da sketkn ati ak..

cyg gave dis to me..

Kita rasa dikhianati bila

dia tidak menepati janjinya. Kita tidak memberinya peluang untuk

menerangkan keadaannya. Bagi kita, itu alasannya untuk menutup

kesilapan dan membela dirinya. Kita terlupa kita juga pernah

membiarkan dia ternanti-nanti, kerana ada juga janji yang tidak

kita tepati. Kita beri beribu alasan, memaksa dia menerima alasan

kita.Waktu itu terfikirkah kita tentang perasaannya? Seperti kita,

dia juga tahu rasa kecewa tetapi kita sering terlupa!

Untungnya mempunyai seorang kekasih yang sentiasa di sisi kita pada

waktu kita memerlukan dia. Dia mendengar luahan perasaan kita,

segala rasa kecewa dan ketakutan, harapan dan impian kita luahkan,

dia memberi jalan sebagai laluan penyelesaian masalah.

Selalunya kita terlalu asyik bercerita tentang diri kita sehingga

terlupa pasangan kita juga ada cerita yang ingin dikongsi bersama

kita. Pernahkah kita memberi dia peluang untuk menceritakan tentang

rasa bimbangnnya, rasa takutnya?Pernahkah kita menenangkan dia

sebagaimana dia pernah menyabarkan kita?

Ikhlaskah kita mendengar tentang kejayaan dan berita


Mam pukah kita menjadi sumber kekuatannya seperti mana dia meniup

semangat setiap kali kita merasa kecewa dan menyerah kalah?Dapatkah

kita yakinkan dia bahawa kita boleh dipercayai, kita boleh

dijadikan tempat untuk bersandar bila terasa lemah, agar tidak

rebah?Bolehkah kita menjadi bahu untuk dia sandarkan harapan?

Sesekali jadilah kekasih yang mendengar dari yang hanya bercerita.

Ambillah masa untuk memahami hati dan perasaannya, kerana dia juga

seorang manusia, dia juga ada rasa takut, ada rasa bimbang, sedih

dan kecewa. Dia juga ada kelemahan dan dia juga perlukan seseorang

sebagai kekuatan. Jadilah kita seseorangnya itu. Kita selalu

melihat dia ketawa tetapi mungkin sebenarnya dia tidak setabah yang

kita sangka.

Di sebalik senyumannya itu, mungkin banyak cerita sedih yang ingin

diluahkan, di sebalik kesenangannya, mungkin tersimpan seribu

kekalutan, kita tidak tahu tetapi jika kita cuba jadi kekasih

seperti dia, mungkin kita akan tahu.

Wahai sang kekasih, renungilah

Sunday, April 12, 2009

nu l0ve nu h0pe..

tjuk yg xley bla..haha..xde r..stil chentahaty yg same since 4 thun yg lps..hrpn je yg len..agagagaga..ma0 idop bhgia n hepi slmnye..huhu..smlm trun ktn..hepi sgt..tenx ya cyg..len x jmp ag..huhu..l0ve u l0t..

kngn mns kau da ak,xkn t'hpus..duri rnjau dlm b'chenta, lumrah dunia..syg mnyayg,slg p'caye..punca ksh b'pnjgn..

Friday, April 10, 2009

ragam manusia

nex wik las ak pektikel..ak smkn fhm jdual keje staf kt cni..tym bos xde asek kua ngular je..tym bos de leh lak b'lgk bek..xphm ak..pdhl dorg keje dpt gji..xcm ak..keje tp xdpt pape en.botak..tym keje pn sebok g promote brg2 die..keje yg kt ofis xwt pn..ps2 bile da bnyk, longgok dpn ak..suh ak wt sume..emm..suggh ak xphm cmne dorg wt keje..n ak ase sume staf same je..cmne uitm nk maju kalo cmni kalo pangai staf cm2..isk2..cian gj mhl2 tp cmni lak jd..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


clas da abes..
pektikel lak de smngu ag..
xsabanye nk kua dri jengka..

Monday, April 6, 2009

keje oh keje

pe yg ak nk wt psni??
keje @ smbg wt degree??
agk png bile pk psl ni..
cmne ek..
dan d saat ini ak sebok m'cari keje2 0..

Saturday, April 4, 2009

cry baby cry

bile sdih ak nanges..
bile skit ak nnges...
bile tensen ak nnges....
bile serabot ak nnges...
bile sunyi ak nnges...
bile rndu ak nnges..

Going back to the memories
Reminiscing 'bout you and me
Thinking how it used to be
It's plain and clear I treated you bad
But girl you know that I care
Every relation(ship) have wear and tear..
Just draw near girl and try to hear and listen what my heart says.

Many days and many nights
Many heartbreaks... many fights
Many wrongs but so many rights
So girl don't let this love die
Never meant to 'cause you no pain,
Girl I never meant to treat you lame.
Gimme one more chance rewind come back again.
Don't let this love die.

Just Cry Baby Cry
(Don't cry no more)
Cause every tear that flows falls into the ocean
And rises to the sky
And then the rain will come
Right before the sun shines...

Can you feel me reaching out to you girl, can you hear my open thoughts
Never want (to) disrespect you girl don't let this come break us apart.
'Cause I know I would die without you, my girl can you hear my broken heart.
It's calling out to the good times that we had back at the start.

Baby... (Don't call me baby...)
You know I need you in my life daily. (You know you played me...)
I was a player but now your love changed me. (Dead wrong...)
I'm going crazy (I'm gone)... Never thought losing you would be so hard

It's your turn to cry baby cry
(Don't cry no more)
Cause every tear that flows falls into the ocean
And rises to the sky
And then the rain will come
Right before the sun shines...

So let go
And move on
What we were
Is now undone
My tears have all dried
It's your turn now to cry...

You're losing your love and your trust for me girl
And you know, I would go to the ends of the world.
If you wanted... Just like we started.
Girl 'cause I don't want to fight no more.
Make it like it was before.

ari yg membosankn ak

ari ni ak ase cm org gler je..bosn nk mati...dri pg smpai mlm xde 1 bnd pn ak wt...die lak sebok...
ak pnh je organize event tp xde lak smpai tgl die tros..ak still msg cm die komited sgt ngn tgs die yg ntah pape 2..ak xphm..ngn bodohnye ak tgu die abes event 2..ingt die nk spend tym ngn ak len yg jd..kalo tao cmni bek ak kua je ikot dak2 ni g bndr...xde r ak cm org gler dok dlm blek..ak xphm..die cm xpnh je pk ak..ak xg dner smlm pn sbb die..sume da gerak bru ckp die bg ak g...sbb die tao ak nk sgt nk g..awl2 dlu b'ia xbg..ak xphm..npe ak asek ikot je pe yg die ak xpnh pk dri sndri..ak ase sdh gler sbb xdpt g dner smlm..die cm xphm ati ak..ps2 ckp ak lak yg xpnh phm die..ase cm nk off nset je..idop dlm dnia ak..xpyh pk org len xpnh pk ak pn..

Thursday, April 2, 2009

manusia lupe. manusia alpha..

ak ingt g..

ari 2 ak de suh sorg manusia ni tlg punch kn kad ak sbb lmbt nk g clas da..
den leh lak die ckp cmni"kalo smpt ak tlg r sbb ive to punch fer 3 person t'msuk ak.."
so lps die ckp cm2, ak pn g punch sndrik..

die xingt...
da bpe x ak tlg punchkn tok die ngn mbe die..
n tym 2 pn ak kene punch tok 3org gak..
ak xkesah..
wt je..
ingtkn tym ak susa die nk tlg..
tp hampeh..
skt ati tuhan je yg tao...

den ari ni leh lak msg ak..
suh punch tym alek nnt..
tp yg msg 2 mmbe die..
suh punch tok die ngn mmbe die 2..
ak snyp jew..
xrep pn msg 2..
mncul la mbe dak 2 tny psl msg 2..
tny ak dpt x msg 2..
yg ak heran..
nape die xgtao ak sndrik..
n ak da decide..
ak mls nk punch tok dorg..
tym ak mnx tlg xreti nk tlg..
ingt ak ni bodo r 2..
sng2 jew suh ak wt e2 ini..
sory beb..
ak da blaja tok jd zlim skg..
sbb ak da serik..
pe yg ak wt, org xpnh hrgai..
so skg ak idop tok dri sndri je..
bkn sbb org len..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


ak plg xsuke kne mrh sbb 0rg len..

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

L - 0 - v - E

Monday, March 30, 2009

kEgilaan m'Edit gaMb0

ni je yg m'muaskan ati ak..


sensitivity kehid0pan....

laz wikend ak trun ktn ag..

smkn krp kami b'jmpa skg..
tym jmp ari 2 ak hepi sgt..
grau2 cm dnia ni ak yg pnye..
g jom heboh..
den decide nk guna postpaid lak..
sume kami lakukan dgn penoh kegembiraan..
pnuh kaseh syg..

bad things happen on sunday monin..dont noe y..mo0d kitorg brubah..seme xkene..1st tyme ak alek jngka awl..ase cm nk nnges..den tros ilang mo0d..lpk jp, nek bus ntrun blek..cri my cyg..ehe..ak xleh alek cm2 je...tym 2 bru die ckp die sket.. dats y die suh ak alek awl..tym ak prasaan ak da sdkit prasaan grm ttp de..sbb die xgtao ak awl2 ag..

Thursday, March 26, 2009

jom3 jom heb0h2


i'm goin 2 c my cyg tomorrow..
arghhh rndunye...
cyg, tgu umi ek..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Cintamu..Yang ku rasa walau tak terucap..Semakin dalam..Cintamu..Telah terukir dibataskan cintaku..Selamanya..Tak pernah ku mencuba..lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat..Sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu..KU INGIN SELALU DALAM CINTAMU..
Dan tiada yang kan memisahkan.
.Selamanya..Cintamu..Yang terlintas,terbias matamu..Selama Ini..Adakah dihatimu..Terbisik satu harapan untuk ku..Tuk berjanji selamanya..Kau selalu miliku..Satu cinta...Tak pernah ku mencuba..lepaskan cintamu walau sesaat..sejujurnya diriku terlalu sayang padamu..KU INGIN SELALU DALAM CINTAMU.

cite lunch td..

td ak lunch ngn atin..
tbe2 t'kua cite mnusia2 yg xpuas ati ngn ktorg..
act ak da mls pk psl bnd2 cmni..
since ak da blaja idop sorg2 kt cni..
tp ntah r..
kdg ak xphm..
ati2 bsuk mnusia ni..
ak xkaco pn idop dorg..
xphm nape dorg nk kaco idop ak..
tensen tol..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

everytin' s 0ver...

stat new lyfe..
da pnt idop cm2..
hope psni my lyfe will more btter..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

hate dat i love u

ntah...ak xtao..npe jd yg ak wt sume xkene..urmm....xpnh nk pk bnd bek yg pnh ak ak xpnh wt bnd bek yg die nk seboleh2nye ak bg..snggup ssh sbb nk sngkn ni ke yg ptot ak dpt..ats sume kbaikan yg da ak wt..even org len nmpk die lg bnyk b'korban tok ak..ak bkn nk ak nk die phm..ak da mls nk gado..nk nges tiap2 ari..pnt idop cmni..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Salsabila... buatku gembira
Salsabila... sayang sentiasa
Salsabila... ditimang dimanja
Disayang sentiasa kaulah segalanya

Menangis semalaman tak mengapa
Kau Salsabila dikasihi semua
Numi ya hubbi ma tibki
Ya tal gharami
Mahbub ya ghali

Ku hadiahkan kasihku setulusnya
Buatmu Salsabila
Ku pertaruhkan nyawa

Tidurlah sayang pejamkan mata
Tidurlah tak mengapa
Di sini ku ada
Ibarat kain putih yang tiada noda

Dilahirkan di dunia
Agar menjadi manusia mulia
Ku damba melihatmu bahagia
Berperibadi sempurna
Harungi dunia yang gila

nape ni???

npe ngn ak ni..
asek nk mrh je..
bnd ni kck je..
tp ak lak trase lbh2..
npe ngan ak..
asek emo je..
asek nges je..
kdg2 ase cm dri xd hrgai..
ak xtao..
ak da wt yg t'baik tok die..
tp npe ak ase pe yg ak wt 2 sia2??
ak xtao..
npe ntah ak leh pk cm2..
sdh2 sgt bile jd cmni..
trase ati tp xreti nk luahkn..
asek pndm dlm ati je..
smpai ble ak nk jd cmni..
asek pndm prasaan je..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


~"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."

~Women wish to be loved not because they are pretty, or good, or well bred, or graceful, or intelligent, but because they are themselves.

~The best thing about me is you.

~ You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

~The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

~ The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.

~if i has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU


akhrnye ak b'jye..

new editeD

Monday, March 16, 2009

cyg..t8 care ya..

umi tao cyg sket..
so cyg rest ckup2 ek..
umi xkaco cyg..
n umi xkn mrh..
umi syg cyg..
love u lot..
da ok nnt msg umi tao..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

g0in mish my cyg...

bru smlm blk tp da skg da ase rndu..
cyg, sori 4 wut hve i done ysterday..
i'm need u..
sori 4 everthin..
realize dat now i'm quite emo..
so hope u will stand wif me 4 eve...
love u much2 more than everythin..
hve a great day laz weekend..
cant wait 2 c u again..
reli mish u rite now...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ayuh kembali ke sekolah!!!!!!!!!

tbe2 ase rndu gler nk g sklh blk..
rndu nk pntg clas, ps2 lpk kt blek pk HEM..
xpn lpk kt blek kaunseling..
rndu nk jd pngws..
rndu nk kene mrh ngn cikgu2 sbb dgl sgt..
ckgu mshitah plg suke mrh ak...
rndu nk brebut kt kntin sklh..
rndu nk lpk blk ngn geng tym sklh..
rndu ehan, tyah, epi, buja, g-ra, nabilla, ros...
rndu nk date ari2 sbb tym 2 cyg bru abes spm..
so ptg2 mst die dtg lpk kt skul..
rndu nk jmp k'cpah, arwah k'yana, k'gee, k'nuyu...
mane dorem0n ni..
ak nk suh putar mase...

tp ak plg rndu cyg...
bile ek leh jmp die..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


asl jd cmni???
slh ak ke???

Monday, March 9, 2009

cne neh??

cmne nk tuka bg blog..
da bnyk x try wt tp xleh..
sumbadi help me pliz...
nk tuka bg blog..
bia blog ak lawa..
tp tatao nk wt cmne..

Saturday, March 7, 2009

reli mish amirul fazlan ramli

tmorow will b our 4th annvrsry..
3 hours n 30 mnutes left..
love him damn much..
dont wanna lose him anymore..

epi annvrsary..
umi syg cyg..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

asek kne mrh je....

nape ntah ngn ak..
asek kne mrh je..
xphm ak..
asek slh ak je yg nmpk..
cm ak je reti wt slh..
bile tym die wt slh ak leh snyp je..
pe yg die wt org len leh nmpk ak xbsg lak..
siyes ak xphm..
jht sgt ke ak??
pnt da nges sbb die..
tp npe skg ak ase nk nges je...
npe air mate ni cpt sgt nk kua..
pe yg die nk ak wt..
sume ak bg..
tp last2 jd cmni..
sbb ak pnh wt slh dlu ke..
so skrg ak ptot trime cmni..
ase cm axdl je..
bkn ak sorg yg pnh wt slh..
tp nape jd cmni..
sedey sgt..
cmne nk thn air mate dri kua??
ak da pnt..
pnt ngn sume org..
lth nk amek tao hal2 org len..
pe yg ak wt sume xkene..
agknye kalo ak xde kt dunia ni rmai org tpuk tgn kot..
ntah2 ciap wt parti ag..
i'm t0o0 tired rite now....


akhirnye ciap gak esemen b'byr ak..
xsaba nk dpt pyment...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


da nk kol 1..
tp ak xkua rest kot..
da knyg mkn ns lmk free..
da knyg cmni ase ngntok lak..
da r mlm td ak xleh tdo..
dak2 ni asek dok ketok pn2 blek ak je..
pdhl tym 2 da lite of..
mmg xphm bhse..

pg td de mock meeting..
belasah abes2..
smbl2 mate jeling skrip..
so far so gud..

ptg ni de pasa rbu..
ak da lme sbnrnye xg pasa rbu..
xde org nk tmn..

xsaba nk dpt duit esemen 2..
ak nk beli nset bru..

Monday, March 2, 2009

siyes b0rinG

lG 45 ari ak pektikel..
xsaba2 nk abes..
da bosn tgk muke salwani..
asek komplen psl ak je..
pkai sliper pn xleh..
pdhl en mat xckp pape pn..
saje r 2 jeles ngn ak..
kalo nk, pkai je r..
xpyh bsg2..
dak yg pektikel kt hep pn leh pkai, asl ak xleh lak ..
xphm tol ak..

smlam ak dpt bunge ros..
t'kjut ak bile fiza bg..
nape ntah..
buang tebiat ke org tua 2..
ak xphm tol..
tp xpe..
ak mls nk ok..
bunge 2 pn ak da bg org len..

Sunday, March 1, 2009

d.y.e milekku

semula ku tak tahu
engkau juga kan ingin memilikinya

bukankah ku lebih dulu
bila engkau temanku
sebaiknya tak mengganggu

dia untukku
bukan untukmu
dia milikku
bukan milikmu

pergilah kamu
jangan kau ganggu
biarkan aku mendekatinya

kamu tak akan mungkin mendapatkannya
karena dia berikan aku pertanda cinta
janganlah kamu banyak bermimpi oooh
dia untuk aku

Friday, February 27, 2009

perigi duwet..

pluang tmbh pndptn..

klik 4 more info..



pg ak bgn ari ni..
bese kol9 bru bkk mate..
tp ni bru kol8..

cant sleep laz nyte..
alwys thikin bout [ya]..
wut can i do..
to tired to think many possibilities dat can @ will done..
wuts wrong wif me??
tryin to belive karma but ntah la..
pnt lol pk sume ni..
xtao nk gtao sape..

Universiti Malaysia Pahang

ak kt ump ni..
ptg td smpai..
g giant dlu b4 msuk cni..
da jmp my cyg tp rndu xtrubt ag..

sumtin happen..
wut shud i do wif her..
skt ati ni..
xtao npe..
myb sbb pangai die..
tp b'tpuk sblh tgn xbunyi..
ntah r..
myb blsn tok ak..
wut goes ar0und come around..
shud i blieve wif karma??
dont noe..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

sum0ne help me plizzzzzz...............

i feel so so so so sleppy..
dont noe y..
bored + sleppy..
nothin 2 d0..
n encek botak xabes2 campain psl bisness die..
bosn lor..

u\i'm tryin to dwibahasakn my blog..
myb its gud for sake of my lyf..
wu's noe..
even ejaan xsame..
2morrow i'm goin to UMP..
xsaba nk jmp my cyg..
wll stay at blek nurul for a nyte..
and sturday we will melepak @ ktn..

mish u lot..

have u ever reli love a woman??

To really love a woman
To understand her - you gotta know it deep inside
Hear every thought - see every dream
N' give her wings - when she wants to fly
Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?

To really love a woman
Let her hold you -
til ya know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her - really taste her
Til you can feel her in your blood
N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman
you tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her
that you'll always be together
So tell me have you ever really -
really really ever loved a woman?

You got to give her some faith - hold her tight
A little tenderness - gotta treat her right
She will be there for you, takin' good care of you
Ya really gotta love your woman...

Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms
You know you really love a woman
When you love a woman you tell her
that she's really wanted
When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one
she needs somebody to tell her
that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
- really really ever loved a woman?

Just tell me have you ever really,
really, really, ever loved a woman? You got to tell me
Just tell me have you ever really,
really, really, ever loved a woman?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


cuti da llus...
xpyh dtg keje jumaat ni..
bek tol en.mat..
sng2 je llus cuti ak..
ni yg bez..
leh ak topup tdo ak..
ak plg mls nk g keje ari jmaat..
xtao npe..
sbb kjp kot..
interview ari ni lak btl..
dok ofis bosn + ngntok..
en. botak cuti..
asek cuti je org tua 2...

Monday, February 23, 2009

ikot kate ati.....

pG2 ag ain msg..
gtao de tao sumtin psl ak..
ak da leh agk komfem dak 3 ekor 2 gtao bnda..
nape ntah suke sgt amek tao psl ak..
ak da xamek tao psl die pn..
jeles kot ak leh idop even sorg2..

bia r ak nk wt pape pn..
xpyh r pure2 concern psl ak..
wt2 ak ni pntg dlm idop d0rg...
tym ak de dpn muke, wt xtao je..
smpai ak ase cm org bodo..
geram gak kdg2...
ase cm nk sepak2 je..
yg gmuk ak nk kruskn..
yg xbrape krus ak nk gmukkn..
pdn muke..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

gunung senyum .. :-)

i'm back...
smlm blk dri gunung snyum..
penat sgt...
dpt experience pnjt gnung ngn pkai sliper jpun nike je..
ps2 asek kene msk je...
dak2 ni giler bnyk mkn..
cm xpnh jmp mknn..
my cyg pn xase lg air tngn ak...
org len lak dpt ase..
cyg, 1 day umi akn msk gak tok cyg..
juz wait n c..

Thursday, February 19, 2009

g0nna mish my cyg..

today kene g pr0g kaca..
kol 11 psni grk..
so xleh r nk 0n9 kt sane.
2 hri xleh tgk my cyg..
sape2 bwk r broadband..
ak nk on9....

jgn nkl2 ek..
umi syg cyg..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

i'm feel sh0o slEepy..

ase da tdo awl smlm..
k0l10 lbh da slmt..
ase cm nk tdo je..
da r wikend ni xleh t0pup td0..
2 ari xleh skype ngn cyg..
help mE..
xm0 g k.a.c.a..

stat new life..

ak da slmt tuka bilek..
puas ati ak..
dak2 blek 2 sume wt muke t0ye..
pdulik pe ak..
asl ak slesa...
xkesah dok ngn sape pn...

seb r dak2 ni ok..
1 kpale gak r..
xde r trase lain sgt..
tenx 2 fatin & farah..

tEnx ayh miE..

da stle 1 hal..
l0t 0f tenx 2 my lovely ayh mie..
tp xta0 r k0t2 setan 2 xreti bhase..
mmg mengong r..

dgr cite ayh mie..
die cm glabah tym 2..
dasar penakot..
ckp je lbh..
ciap 4wrd no my cyg ag..
sje nk slhkn org len..
sial kn..
slh sndri xnmpk..
ko g MAMPOS R...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

yEsterdaY is my w0rst day...

cilanat ko..
cm sial je..
nk buruk2kn ak lak..
cm ko 2 bek sgt..
pngai cam babi..
babi pn xcm ko..
suke je + srbut dlm otk ak..
tgu r..
1 day akn de blsn tok ko..
tym 2 bru ko ta0 tgi rndh lngt 2..
msuk u tp otak cm tungkik..
weh setan..
jgn ak tkot ngn ko..
jgn b'lgk sgt..
ko 2 da r gile..
mnje lak 2..
ngn pompuan leh r ko b'lgk..
asek nges je..
mnx simpati..
ps2 wt2 sket..
cm sial je..
mmg ko sial..
sial cam babi..